Friday, December 31, 2010

the evolution of the hipster:

Its funny because I know a trillion people that can relate. But its way too easy to catergorize people, no?

This is some random thing I passed on good ol' reliable Google, searching for something completely unrelated this. Because apparently, (and unknowingly to me): pain olympics hatchet vs. genitals online.
Who will come out on top, in this years.... uhh... Thermal Sleeping Competition?

Dont question the google-ness. Just accept it.
Trust me; it gets easier.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

the countdown. and thats all there seems to be lingering in the air. that, and the impending doom of that unforgiving sickness that's piggy-backing on any suitor in sight. fingers crossed, knock on wood, et cetera.

the keyboard on this laptop is acting unruly and making it so I don't feel like actually explaining things, especially in full detail.

in other news: my mom is engaged, as of her birthday on friday. to her boyfriend. i kinda like the guy. he's alright in my books. more than just alright, actually. he's good to her and he fits right in with the ol fam'. Jayse comes back into Winnipeg on wednesday. I am super excited.

i suppose thats all i will type for now. i'm already sick of it. haha i think

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

winners FTW!

dearest internet,
i have so much to tell you. Plus I learnt a few really neat facts this week, about how the river in Wisconsin, Ohio, caught on fire oneday. That is a true fact.
These facts:  - They totally knew that this fire was about to happen
                     - Officials had is the river so precisely timed, that when the clocks struck 0 minus 10 seconds, the mayor, and all of his political pals (included was anyone he could think of that smoked a cigar), as well as the local sheriff and a select few men from his precinct... they all opened their lawn chairs and outdoor loungers and pulled their cigars and cigarettes out from their inner breast pockets of their absurdly overpriced jacket. And as they all chuckled amongst themselves while every odd elbow jabbed into every odd ribcage, followed by every odd shifty-eyed, tooth-filled smile. "Last call;" the only two recognizable words above crowd's ale_distorted speech bubble, and mostly-so because of undeniable coherence. The word last referred to the very few minutes that the gentlemen/contenders had left to place their bets on the act they had come to witness. The inside joke amongst them had now been over-done, and their extremely short tempers were beginning to wonder if they had to make an appearance to get this so-called show on the road. 

The first official took a glance to see if spectators and money-investors had stepped back enough paces, and then continued on to tear a match out of his matchbook. Thumb down and swiftly pulling the match away from him, it struck against the sandpaper on the back of the book. Turning the fire in on its own kind, they watched ever-so-silently, as the matchbook in his hand cracked in twenty two different ways and blazed on fire, held high above them all. But not too long, before he let the wind just slightly grab it from him and swoop it onto the river water. 

There was three seconds, two awkward coughts and throat-clearings from a few in the crowd, and a moment in which it looked like everybody had lost on their money on this silly gamble. For the matchbook appeared to extinguish its flames.
But that thought had not enough time to even be thunk in one's brain, for the next blink of an eye revealed not just a few inches, or a few feet. ...but the entire fucking river had caught fire. It looks like there would be lots of winners tonight, and the boy with the coherant voice tried to sort through the crowd of waving arms, desperately clutching their winning ticket. Boy, did they ever win alright....'

ahem... anyways.... THOSE facts? May not be true. But who am I to say?

Friday, November 26, 2010

so yet another infamous "Stuff My Face!" week is in full swing. And I have to say, i am quite stuffed full at this current moment in time. Chalk that as another triumphant win for me and endless spaghetti suppers.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

rainbow suspendorisis

as per always, I decide the best time to rant to an internet-united peoples, is when they are fast asleep. Or pretending to be fast asleep, and rolling by a different name altogether, just to stay up until the wee hours playing Bejeweled. While all your snoozers, and boozers, and bejewelerz... are pre-occupied in yourselves, I -wont break the trend- am also consumed by my own activities. And it isn't boredom that causes me to rip out the skin on the inside of my ears (I'll admit; I did wince. Twice. And swore four times).
The headphones are on. The volume has been on mute the moment I plugged these puppies in. I dont even have a song playing, not even Cher. Especially not Cher.
I'd like to take this moment to apologize immensely to the larger percentage of the gay boy population that I know.. for taking what would surely seem like a swing (and a miss..) at their self-proposed birth mother. No offense boys, cuz I know you definitely wouldnt be reading this anyways.
Tomorrow I am going to work up the courage to go and wait beside that guy who is wondering what I have, or what I'd do to get ahead of him in line to see the doctor.. and get first dibs on sanitary pads, saline solution, tongue depressors, and latex-free rubber gloves.
Finders keepers, motherfucker.
Back off - get your own sandwich.

My kitten and furriest love of my life has been slowly coping with the fact that now included in her kitten-tree meals, is the smelly devil known as Apple Cider Vinegar. A few drops every meal to every second meal, pissed her off/ depressed her for a few days... but now her taste has become acquired and she hardly notices. I am doing her a favour. Instead of spraying her with toxins for her fur, or giving her store-grade poisons to keep away any parasites, good ol ACV does it all, and its natural, and it detoxes her system of any bullshit. After doing decades of research, its by-far the best option for her, and cheapest. I'd recommend it to any cat-owner that'd listen.... but I have minimal faith in mankind this week (reason: unknown ), therefore feel as tho you, out there in blog-land, already know my concerns. And as no surprise, yet again, I play the "nobody-actually-cares-to-listen-and-give-two-big-fat-flying-fucks CARD". Full house. I win.
And I walk away from the table, two dollars and fifty cents richer.
HEY, biiiiiig spender. Dig my blender.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

sssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS....sssssssss.      ssss.ssssssssssssssssssssssss.......
nice! after much thought and very envious imaginary beard stroking, I figured out how to equip Lauren's macbook with photoshop. it wasnt hard.
I'm just daft sometimes.
Well, apparently LIFE, you can take all your daft and stick it in your imaginary pipe and smoke it. if that was an insult, once upon a time not that long ago.

Anyways, despite having a fairly new phone I am going to reclaim that I need a new phone.
I own the Samsing.. "flight".... ugh. about as intimidating as it sounds. Not like I am expecting it to pull out a chainsaw and go ape shit on the neighbours, while recording the whole ordeal in secret hopes of becoming a youtube "star"... but since we're on the topic of the name; it is also deceiving. It does not fly. Nor will it ever. Plus I seriously doubt its ability to handle any type of flight, be in minor or not.

Listening to some extremely edible dubstep. Hot water tank at Lauren's is all busted up, but her dad is kind enough to turn it on, despite its more leaky qualities, allowing us to clean our smelly areas and turn them into freshhhhh smelling areas, for all to enjoy from a safe and pg-rated distance.

Time to make the pg-rated transition into freshness.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

annoyances bite

current frustrations are at an all time high.
my lack of mentioning it is entirely due to the embarrassing nature of the situation. however, i am almost at some sort of breaking point with it all. And am sure that it will be made public, when the day comes that I finally snap and fall off the side of the earth. Laughing hysterically, of course. I couldnt do it any other way.
Nights I have actually slept at my sisters (coff.. my new place..coff): <3.
Day of the month: 13th
Amount of times a day that I curse the existence of fleas: >30,485
(there - i said it)

This annoyance bites significantly hard into my sleep time, making me the grumpiest panda that you'd ever pay to see on display. And the responsibility of making them disappear when no body in the neighborhood (or house) lends a helping hand with their removal? I cant handle it. I literally feel as though I have lost anything that I find enjoyable and have replaced it with... vacuuming, buying vinegar, combing/brushing my poor name a few.

At my new place (where? st.anne's rd.) I lack pillows and a comforter. Also lost my mattress and bed frame, but thank the lordy, at least I have a box spring.

And for it only being the thirteenth, I find myself slightly bitter (as well, lol... they just all add up) at the presence of a thief in my midst. Now only to use my ultimate sleuthing skills and find him, and then proceed to unmask, the bee-otch.

Words of advice are very welcome. De-lousing powder, not preferred, but still considered. And spaghetti and slurpees should never be ruled out. Doors are open.

Monday, October 25, 2010

This weekend was one of different variety. I use that word in particular, because it was indeed, in fact, different. Well I suppose that I didn't do so much on thursday or friday, being as thursday night and friday morning, i was a tad under the weather. Saturday morning started with a fucking explosion.
I woke up to Larry yelling "CJ, get up! Steve [douchebag landlord] is here and he found your stuff!" I hadnt been sleeping for enough hours, in my opinion so i yelled back, "Serious??? But I am moving out in like a few days..."  But apparently Steve had opened my drawers and went through a bunch of my stuff and claimed my guitar to be his now, and that everything else could go to the fucking dump.
I got out of bed so fast.
Once again, very sudden moving. I hate when that happens. My mom and Robert were able to come lend their truck. And Phil came down and aided in any lifting; heavy or small. It was hectic for a few hours, and I was very very tired by the end of it. My mom brought me and Phil out for like fries and burgers/chicken thangs. That was appreciated.
I went home and was so raring to go, from the adreneline from the move (atop one energy drink and one beer. two things I never drink anymore), that I couldnt sleep. My body was drained, but my mind wasn't going to let itself go to waste.
The evening came around. Lauren wanted to do something, because she started work Monday (being today), and she didn't know her schedule at all or when her days off would be. I got my heart set on going to this party at the Rocker.
I attempted to bleach my hair. Alas, two bleachings only resulted in orange hair. SO its now pink. :)
We only got to the Rocker at like one am. I wanted to be there around 11:30, but got held up in discussion with Lauren. While at the Rocker, right away I hear fantastic dubstep and I wanna dance. But shit hit the fan after maybe two tracks. I got injured in the ruckus... a few times. And I still managed to hold myself back from being the injurer.
Sigh. The night went sour, and I made a big scene in front of all my friends, which I am a tad embarrassed about. I managed to flag down a cab and go and spend the night somewhere, gathering my thoughts and being comfy.
I didnt sleep as much as I would have liked, but I appreciated having somewhere to go and cool down and whatnot. I cabbed home at 8 in the morning.

Today I will be packing more of my things. The entirety of the boiler room with all my stuff is at Tania's. When we were moving it on saturday we couldnt find 50% of the bed frame so we said fuck it and tossed what we had, out. Upon further inspection, the rest of the frame has magically re-appeared.... somehow. So I'll go climb in the dumpster and see if I can find those pieces. Pretty sure they trucks havent come by yet (o how the sound of them makes me sad), so hopefully I can fish it out.

Been eating super well tho, lately. And also exercising/working out like a mo-fo. (aka motherfucker)
Got some stamina building up so I can do way more, so much longer. And like a hundred pushups, in a row, is now do-able! yippee! Thats a big thing, by the way, if anyone wants to try and find our for themselves, having not done pushups in years.
P.Dot was in a triathlon a month or two ago. That sounds neat. I looked at a magazine to do with that, the other day. I think that is my next big goal - enter in a triathlon.
Sounds crazy but that'd be so fun.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

i am moving. into my sisters. its final-ish?
phil took my out to feed me tonight (honestly, that guy is SUCH a good friend). we talked over some non-stop stirfry. he helped me come up with a very realistic plan. its has its ups and downs.
i suppose i shall grace this blog with the story tomorrow or some other time that isnt this ridiculous hour. beddie time. still not tired. somebody throw sleeping pills at me. i mean my mouth. throw them there. please and thanks.
sincerly, this jerk.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dearest Bullwinkle, please. no.

I went to my nephew's football game yesterday. #33 Tyree Cayer of the Elmwood Giants.
(Thats him.)
I could only stay for 99% of the first half of the game. Happy I went and spent the time and money to go and see him play. Fuck is he good. He plays better than all those high school kids out there, and he's only a 16 year old muffin. Now, that is fucking impressive.
*cue round of applause*
I would have to say the play of the game (in my very personal opinion) went to Beatrice Cayer. For she made the impressive call to [her daughter's cellular device] Vanessa who was nearly one row ahead, and five seats to the right, to tell her to put her hood up - it was cold out.
Haa. Beautiful.

I liked this. So must you. It's not mine, but you have my permission to adore it anyways.
In newest news, my hair is the single closest shade it has been to its natural color since I was...... fifteen? Is that right??? *ahem* Apparently, according to my producers, that IS, in fact, right. On behalf of all this channel's staff and very opinionated opinions, you have my most sincere apology.
But only about this issue. Nothing else, suckers.

[rocky: "and here's something you'll really enjoy!]

like the link says, it is a LIST of the all-time BEST mother-son dance songs.
boyz-2-men included, for any of my colored friends.
play them if you like, to take you back to that "special" time in your life, when moms and their male offspring still participated in this and one party actually wannted to partake in this life-changing event.

okay children, i have given you lots of gifts. now go. you're free to not have to stand my bullshit for another few days. (if you're lucky - WEEKS!)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Print Shop - eye chart I / Art Print

Print Shop - eye chart I / Art Print

Print Shop - Meow and Meow... / Art Print

Print Shop - Meow and Meow... / Art Print

Sunday, October 10, 2010

this is a lil somethin-somethin i conjured up via photoshop.
a lttle snack for your eyes.
Posted by Picasa
Posted by Picasa
Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

peels on wheels

I suppose it has been forever since I've posted in here. I have been on an endless hunt for apartments. And I am damn sick of it!
There are future prospects - one namely. Its on Mcmillan, between Arbuthnot and Cockburn..... i think. If I am wrong, then at least I am close. Its a purdy l'il place, a bedroom on the third floor. $350 a month. In a nice house, and the guy seems pretty fucking rad too (house owner).
I had my little heart set on this other apartment, that is about 5 steps away from here. But as fate would have it, my speediness is not speedy enough, and I missed out.
Ce la vie.
Gaining some artistic drive, somewhat. Finally. Was at a loss, this past month.
And been out on my bike lots, enjoying autumn nights, cruising around when there is little to no traffic. It feels good. Y'kno, just that feeling.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

my wallet hast been saveth by thine find so recent.
wandering back home, saturday (about two weeks ago), we pass the laundromat on osborne. And lying beside the building, against the wall, was a backpack. and it was propped up, but at the same time still kinda "hidden". But it wasnt hidden. Because we were walking on the sidewalk and it caught both of our eyes. perhaps the individual that hid this bag was drunk..? Or near-sighted...
it feels full of stuff...! I am giggling (not maniacally - don't worry) at the thought of opening it to find random goodies. Life is good. Especially that Saturday night.
At home, opened, we discover the beautiful and extremely valuable treasures.
A half of a 26 of Vodka (some alberta-hairspray-flavoured one).
A full box of empty cigarette tubes.
And one very full, very unopened tin of tobacco.
Well! If thats not worth a riverdance, then I dont know what is.! (you guys are so damn hard to please)

My computer? Well my computer sucks monkey b.... - - .......errr.. well YOU know.

Monday, September 13, 2010

mastering the waiting game

*frustrated noise*
And follow that by an extreme sigh.
That is the sound of CJ at this hour on this date.
The equivalent to a jolly "Bah Humbug.."

Okay, so this has been bugging me lately. So I feel as though (looking back), like I have been a gernally happy person. Essentially, I was easy-going and too optimistic to be considered healthy... Y'know, grand ol' stuff like that. But lately?? Lately I feel like I am just so pissed off. I am sicccck of my life and all the complications right now. I have been intensely apartment hunting for what feels like way too long. I hate the amount of money I have to live off of - which could easily be changed. (Job hunting, I'd like to introduce myself...) I just do not feel content enough. The other day I was in this fantastic mood. It was, well.. fantastic. And I really fucking miss the days when that was all I would feel. And it was damn contagious. And everything worked itself out. I want to go to school. I want to be able to say where I see myself in five years... ten years... or at least give a rough estimate. I feel like I am clouded by uncertainty. Even though I know its foolish, I would much rather be able to flip that damn switch and takes me up on the opportunity to wind up and slap me across the face (figuratively or metaphorically - no difference)... so I can open my fucking eyes and actually see the solution to the maze, like how I used to, or how everybody else can.
I just needed to rant a bit. Don't want to burden anyone with this crap. Its all just nonsense, anyways..right? It is all just in my head, and really... well.. shouldnt a few well chosen words and relevant cliches be able to fix this little issue anyways? I need some inspiration. My art is also suffering, and I wish this wasn't the case.

Anywho, that felt a bit better. to exhale all this onto here. Don't worry, I'll be much more fun to read about soon enough. Justwaiting for said well chosen words and relevant cliches. Anytime now.....

Friday, September 10, 2010

b to thee itches

eleven alarms.
i just counted.
thats the amount it took us to finally roll our butts out of bed this morning. it is not like this day was incredibly important in comparison to any other weekday. its just an attempt to start doing a backflip in terms of changing the way things are running in my life.
*note to self: find sketchbook, which has prescription in it, which needs to be filled*

this girl needs a haircut - really bad.
although hast recently been saveth'd by a really sweet dumpstered hat that I've always wanted. hurraaah!

wish I had more to ramble about. altho that will come soon enough.
until then, happy thursday, bitches.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

sincerly, that guy

"Dearest Cjay,

it has been another period of time passed, and still you let the same issues with the same name and the same face keep poking itself in your business. Not to mention, you let it get to your head. And not in the "Full House"-sorta-way where you learn that very important lesson and then everything gets worked out to your advantage and nothing is left in dis-array by the end of the half hour time slot.

maybe this is me writing you a letter of self-awakening via me, and consider this your realization that you should let it get that way...?

//next_point:: also, can you stop so obviously censoring your blog? it is of great annoyance, plus it's really obvious. did I mention how annoyingly obvious you are? I liked when your words and other words were not, in fact, so cryptic to the point of exhaustion. laaaaaaame. 

ever since you started dating Lauren, it has been a slow downhill glide away from the blatantly honest and free-speaking ceej we all once read the words of wisdom from. she's great, but just because you think that she might read your blog sometimes, does not mean that us, your great and mighty blog readers (that can make, as well as break.. aka shatter.. you), should suffer! I demand a refund. Or a re-un-censorship.  Stop giving a fuck, once again.

Also. More kitty pictures.
Sincerly, that guy"

the masses have spoken. and in great depth. and by masses i mean, that guy there.

Yes, so maybe this is what we do when given a Wednesday night and Youtube.
Names: Brother & Sister. No last name. Kinda like Cher, Or that guy that used to call himself Prince. Or the receptionist at the walk-in I go to... whos plan it was to replace her name with a symbol of a uterus.

meet my sister. she's showing off her cleavage, everybody. by the way.

Friday, September 03, 2010

my nephew.
who is, both black, and a muffin.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

-censored before 6pm-

sitting quaintly off to the side, at a table for two, the keys of a laptop placed underneath my fingertips. last night the Gods of Dumpstering, reached down from their heavens of hoarding, and a light shone. And lead me through the process of getting my numerous lights (flashlights and YES a headlamp.
three suitcases full of goods - including a computer tower, a ps2, and  a laptop. Also, two winterjackets for yours truly,
my eyes are closing. i am going to start going home.
you will hear from me again. and nxt time - no censoring myself. it goes against what I entirely stand for,

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

the most asshole of them all...!

a couple points to make here, so I'll start:
1.) its 5am and I should be sleeping, but instead I found it necessary to be here, typing away my much-too-early morning about shiznit that you bitnatches more-than-likely (i'd say about 90%) do not care about. regardless, i will continue on. Because, I, for one, do care. Its my blog, therefore my vote counts for well... lets say.... about 357 votes. In conclusion, I win.

okay, i digress. (o how I love saying thee)
2.) blogs. blogs blogs blogs blongs bongs., err....
All you crazy folks out there love blogs. I love them, you love them. Hey, its alright to have some heavy feelings towards these little guys. Ask me after smoking a joint with me, what I think about the topic: blogs. And the chances are you are going to get a slightly lengthy rant, by yours truly, about the joys and wonders of said topic. (It just so happens that I have been feeling a tad on the political side these days, thus everybody gets to benefit from my newly learnt "stuff"). And I always dream to myself, "maybe it will be i that will oneday get a following of a dozen (o my..!) or so random folk." And because with my immaculate amount of time on my hands, I learn all sorts of wonderful debauchery. And then I feel that I need to tell everyone in listening-distance. But ahgh, frustration. Because there isn't enough time in the day that one can properly allocate to informing people about the cool and neat stuff that I just learnt.
...wait a minute. What about this blogging hogwash that I've been hearing about? Perhaps that may solve my dilemna. To ramble about stupid shit so that I don't have to waste my social experiences doing it. And at the very same time, tell that very same audience about my most favorite of all "stuff" discovered the previous week.
A single, slow clap begins from within the audience. As the clap begins to start heightening, a man in overalls steps forward from the crowd, as an individual. Every individual in the crowd was paying attention now, to this man, and they start to realize his identity. Its was the local sheriff,  Travis, the cruel and most pissed-off of them all. A wave of shocked faces in every degree, flooded over the crowd, as they couldn't believe their eyes; this renowned asshole showed an emotion, and a heartwarming one at that! Sheriff Travis' actions influenced a chain reaction of awesome. Suddenly, one by one, the clapping was joined by the crowd. Almost 'skeptical' in its first few moments, the momentum it gained made anyone forget that there was even any doubts to begin with. And soon the whole room was lit up - it reminded me of striking a match, but ridiculously slowly. The feeling that resulted from the experience of that thunderous clapping  phenomenon, could only ever be imitated and never fully replicated. I managed an awkward curtsy and shuffled out of the crowd's view. Exit stage left.

^^^^ that message is a rant brought to you by The Good Lungs Of Ceej. In association with Damn Good Bong Rips. A ceejtank original.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

si senor

still apartment hunting. the last one I saw, was in response to a roommate ad posted on Stated it was a 2 bedroom, yet he had his mattress in the living room, with the only bedroom for rent. Scummy little place - which is too bad. Wish I took that first place I saw.. well... i tried to. But it had just been scooped up ahead of me.
And more bad luck followed with this bachelor suite that I fell in love with on Stradbrook. Fell in love with its mere $397/month rent, too. Again, shattered. Sigh. Broken heart and apartmentless.
The hunt continues. Wish me el lucko, compadres.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

i dont want to leave but it feels like that is all I can do to relieve any tension from the situation.
where do i go? I have no clue.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

its a cheese off

Click on the link

and basically it brings you to a little game. Called "Is it a cheese or is it a Font???"
Nessa, I dedicate this... to you, dear cousin.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

wheres my syrup..?

Introducing... the slightly new and kinda-sorta-improooooved... Ceej!
So I have spent the past two weeks (while really buckling down this past week), on trying to be healthy. Which includes eating right, keeping my sleep pattern in check (check check. testing one, two), and stuffing my face with food - which, in turn, puts weight on me.
Which is what I want.
Sorry to all those who have the opposite issue - this isn't meant to mock or be an insult. But sometimes I just gotta try harder to put on weight. No, it doesnt mean I do drugs or that I don't eat. More-so, that I don't eat enough.
But thanks to "Stuff-My-Face Week!", I have that issue a lot less.
Give it a shot sometime, if you find yourself in the same situation.

By the way, the outcome is awesome. I look and feel great! Hah, and not to mention, I am completely ad-worthy. Except minus the advertising of products. Unless it is the non-name rip off of eggo waffles. ...Its about time they start advertising.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

hangs head in shame

I know.

Okay, okay, I know. I'm back. It's true. With the final decision between here and tumblr being that I will keep both. I love both my children equally... one is just smarter and one is better looking.

Apartment hunting frenzy.
Thats what I am involved in. I cant find a place. I saw one yesterday. But by the time I got ahold of them today, it was already gone. Even the one for September. Blah. Seemed nice. Anyways, I am looking generally in this area, corydon, osborne, south osborne is definitely fine. Wolesley/West Broadway if I must. No Colony. No go. 

Friday, May 07, 2010

chug chug chug chug

no, I am ashamed to admit it. but I will.
i don't even gain the slightly more superior status of some sort of Blog Whore.
nothing but a Blog Slut.
eagerly attach myself to the newest and best looking blog. easy, too. and cheap. Free works the best.
Nobody pays me, cuz whores are the ones who make money. They have a career. A "job". And with that, perhaps a shred of self-respect. Where-as, the "slut" mercilessly throws herself at the hottest things. At least groupies have preferences.
So this blog slut has just added one more notch to her keyboard.
And perhaps my personality will stumble on over to that little white box, with the potential of words like these.
but better!
And with more pizzazz! and Uoooommph! And hooplah. Always with the hooplah.

errr... uhh.... featuring CJ (redefined. free of any caffeine-free)

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

5mile radius

just got in from running down to kenaston and back.
sitting in the back of a car, with whom I thought to be two strangers. on the rainy ride coming back from our destination, I finally introduced myself. "Hey guys. Dont wanna be rude or nothing, but I'm CJ."
"Ya we know. You've been in our house."
Take a closer look at the small portion of the face that I see in the rearview mirror. Those are the eyes and the bridge of a nose of somebody I recognize. And his girlfriend in the passenger seat. Chris and Chelsea!
I havent seen those two in a very long time. And I only ever knew Chelsea as having very long braids in her hair (like almost down to her ass). The rest of the ride home we had a conversation about her finishing another year in art at the U of M, and almost being done school for good. And her big art installation that she had been starting to work on the last time I had seen her - a year and a half ago.
Just now Lauren showed me this blog She's 17 yrs old. And see's the world through the small square opening on her camara . I look at this and I will be honest - i get a little inspired. To take more pictures. To make more art. To see things all pretty-like, like how she does right away for her blog viewers and fans of her photographs. Awesome.
I went two weeks where I was actually practically distraught because I couldn't create. Nothing.
I couldn't color. I could ink some pencil drawings of mine (sometimes), but that was it. Oh woe is me... (*cries on any shoulder in 5m radius*)
I went to dollarama and stocked up on their awesome yet oh-so-inexpensive paint. Some new paintbrushes of the finer-tipped variety, and (wait for it...)..... chocolate. [surprise!]
Seeing all those nicer blogs has left me a little inspired to fancy up this bad boy.
But how....
I'll figure something out. Google will be my god and lead me down the righteous path of blog templates.
Take that jesus! And that, Moses! *fends off*
and after that workout, I think I need to find myself  a new hobby. This fighting off biblical characters isn't the most convenient for me. And its very time consuming. You wouldn't believe how much they like to call a time-out to quote some nonsense. Dont ask.

I have been applying for work the past month. And FINALLY today the clouds broke and the sun shone (and by clouds broke i mean they actually didn't. and by sun shone i mean, i went to dollarama and they're florescent bulbs were too bright) and I received two requests for my work ethic.
Manpower (a placement agency) called this morning. It was a temporary position - about three weeks long. Full time for those three weeks. That wouldn't be bad. Three weeks of straight up making money? Sounded alright. I am borderline desperate at this point. Even attempted to apply at Tim Hortons (yes, mother, I finally settled), but alas, the website wouldnt let me get back step 3 on the online application, and I got sick of re-putting in all my info every time i tried once more.
This Manpower position, however, was in Inkster industrial park. A teeeeeeny bit too far. Hard to get to by bus. Even harder but teleporter. Most standard teleporters only go to the perimeters of industrial parks. It's a mystery why, however. Scientists are working round-the-clock to figure it out.
I turned it down.
I checked my email this evening (forgetting about Manpower ever even calling me about work..) and BAM! (ah!) an email! From fabutan of all places!
The owner of the pembina and grant location wants me to go in for an interview on thursday. I am super super super excited. That job WILL be mine.
Wish me luck.
Or superpowers.
I'll take either or.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

I am really starting to get excited about what I am making for my mom. She requested to buy some of my art. And then she bought me the supplies I'd need and a huge 38"x26" canvass, and then sent me the link of the photo that  she wanted me to re-create on that canvass.
I know that she may be expecting one thing, but she'll get something that is much more than that. (eeeee!)
making art makes cj a happy cj.
lately my right wrist has been absolutely killing me. it hurts to draw, it hurts to exercise, and it hurts to turn door handles. and it is driving me crazy. contact juggling does a pretty awesome job of building up the muscles in my right hand, so I should practice that more often. (j'adore contact juggling)
the realization that it might be carpel tunnel makes cj a very sad cj. hope not.
phil is coming to hang out with me and we're getting slurpee's... of course. i'm hooked on those. its serious addiction of mine, and i'd be happy if no one intervened. (that means you)

oh and BY THE WAY, you'd be happy to hear (unless you are a tobacco company) that my implying i am quitting smoking.... is working! i had only one smoke the other day, altho i would hardly call it a smoke. i rolled it out of cigarette butts i had. (is the thought of that making you dry heave a little? the taste wasn't that much more satisfying either).
I have kind of bought a pack since then. I thought I'd let you dedicated readers know this... in case you got a little TOO proud of me.
fedora's get me kessed.

Friday, April 23, 2010

lather, rinse, multi-player

introducing: something new in my life that i hold near and dear to my heart. we had the bad timing of never meeting before a few months ago even though we both know a lot of the same people. Allow myself to introduce you to: Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
We have been introduced and plan on building a very strong future together,  and all we need is a cereal bowl, and then we are all set. And we will be happy forever and ever... etc.etc.
[No milk. Milk ruins the gooodness of it! Wont somebody think of the goodness!!???]

My turn to accidentally drop my phone in the toilet. Taco to the rescue, he just lent me his awesome (COLOR screen!!!) phone to use. Its nice. The one I was using is equivalent to trying to make phone calls with a slab of rock. And the main-main one before that most resembles a brick, but operates like a super nintendo (game isnt working? take out cartridge, and blow in it. rinse and repeat).

Sunday, April 18, 2010

surf couch much?

A pro couch surfer.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

hot damn.. editing the colors on my blog got rid of so many rad comments (mostly on nessa's part.. as she DID attack yesterday). a tad disappointed.
on the plus side, my brother got accepted into this coast guard program where he gets schooling paid for, training paid for, and then will be off to make tons of money being a lovely coast guard. he passed a test that he wrote a few months ago and I just received the news today. effin happy for him. now my sister will be needing a new roommate. (*thinks about it*)
applying like a madman on the world of the internet.
i figure... hey, SOMEBODY'S got to like my spunk! and leave it at that.

(if you know any people in dire need of spunkey employees, send them my way

Heeeeere, fishy fishy fishy.

Monday, April 12, 2010


my dog died.

i am heart broken. justin was over, being an awesome friend and giving me a few smokes, when I got the news. I had to bite my tongue and distract myself as to not lose my head when my friend was over.

i have been crying since the moment he walked out the door.

I am well aware that it was "about time" and that she lived a life of cool tricks and balogna, but that doesn't make me any less devastated.

the world will not see me today. I am not leaving this room unless my bladder is bordering on critical.

ceej laurence1

ceej laurence1
Originally uploaded by ceejtankit
awwwwww *searches dramatically for stolen airsickness bag from airline*

bowsa's splash face

bowsa's splash face
Originally uploaded by ceejtankit
bwahahahahaha... meet my cat.
now meet my cat getting some h2o to the ol face region.

always brush

always brush
Originally uploaded by ceejtankit
listen to the piccccccc-ttttuuuuure...

food prepz

food prepz
Originally uploaded by ceejtankit
guess who that be


Originally uploaded by ceejtankit
its actually just a table cloth. surprise!


Originally uploaded by ceejtankit
this just makes me wanna puke. bwahaha. compliments of ceej

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

i am doomed to forever not have a working computer.
(or a voice.)
my computer has been out of commission.. well, actually its been out of my hands for several months.. say two, two and a half? i gave it to a "friend" of mine cuz he was all like "blah blah blah i know computers. *insert technical term here* see?"
and i fell for it.
i gave him the box of metal and wires and do-hickeys known at my computer tower and let him work his magic.
his magic sucked, so say the least. he broke a pin or something. so after a million people stating that they'd help make it work again (and then bailing), i got my dearest brother to take into foster care, my computer. he was busy. etc.etc. finally got it back. its not working. just straight up... blah.
im frustrated.
im achey.
and i have no voice. i seemed to have lost it yesterday. i tried backtracking, but i went so many places. no dice. no voice for dear old ceej.
so im a grump today, and i wish i wasnt.. because its so nice outside and i want to go and do something.

last night, i helped lauren clean one of the apartments next door that is to be rented out. i have never witnessed so much dust... the cleaning took a few hours. we finished at 4 am, after slacking as much as humanly possible. my throat and lungs are in rough shape today after all that dust, so lying down makes it a tad uncomfortable to breathe, so no i havent gotten much sleep.

Friday, March 26, 2010

body breaks

its not uncommon for me to get very little sleep. its also not uncommon for me to get no sleep at all sometimes. those two statements apply to Lauren as well.
but i have to say, its a terrible and awesome thing at the same time. without saying it, we both just keep being awake until ridiculous hours. when really, we are just glad to finally have the late night company! compared to how our routine used to be? where we felt the need to be absurdly quiet while everyone else slept. stepping on a wrong floorboard, meant the potential rude awakening of a sleeping monster/roommate. and it was BORING! lets see the rest of you consistently try to come up with something to do at 5am. Nothing's open... no one is awake. You get my point.
(point is, woe is me.... sar-caaaa-sm)

anyways, i started this wicked full page art piece and its looking fucking ass-kicking. just started inking it today. lauren got me excited for a little something called "secondary education". Thats right kids; university and/or college. We discussed the possibility of that university in Montreal for arts. And Emily Carr in Vancouver. Which is a lot less expensive than I had already imagined in my mind. Lauren is confident that i'd easily get in to any art school that I would apply to. I think she might be right. Anyone who has stumbled across me in the past two years would clearly note that I was attached to my sketchbook. Quite literally. It took a lot of hours on the operating table, but me and my sketchbook are finally one.

The world gets so damn excited for fridays. And i say, "meh". I'm pumped for them.. see? (*shows some sort of emotion*)
I actually get all worked up on thursday evening and stay up late and then friday i feel like my current condition.
All this is boring nonsense.
Not going to lie; i dont really have anything to say.
This guy I knew, Kris, fell off a balcony on Monday (i think it was Monday).
For all those wondering, he didn't survive. Its been on my mind a lot, since I've heard about it. He was engaged to my friend Tegan, who just less than a year ago, had her baby. She is not older than me. And she just came a long way from the life she had when I met her. I hope she stays strong through all this. It sounds like she has a lot of support, but I still worry. I mean, she has a baby. And I can only imagine what that is going to be like for her from now on.

Wondering where, if any, my friends have been lately?
I'm a lot less boring when the weather is nice. And I can move faster when there is my bike underneath me. I hope things pick up cuz its spring. Cuz im all motivated to find a job-like. And I want to move out of this house and get my own place. One thing at a time - obvvvvviously.
until next time, stay fit and have fun.
(bo and jo-anne? is that you???)

you should probably just throw it in my direction.

and the days are getting longer. and its officially spring.
and everybody is cleaning their houses with all their rooms and deciding that "nope, i dont think we should keep that perfectly functioning lamp. and all these extra prescriptions that I got filled...? well, i will just throw them out, because I never used them. and my brand new clothes with the price tags? hate the color. toss it out. especially those packs of smokes. wait, let me just smoke two or three cigarettes out of each one. then ya, garbage for those, too."

so to the person(s) that have stated something exactly/similarly to the above statement:... thank you.
you make dumpstering one of the great joys of spring/summer weather.
your garbage is my new awesome stuff.
right effin on.

got my bike out. got my hair tallest its been in awhile. got a hottie lady to aid me in my many journeys.
yup... =)
its gonna be a good next several months. you can tell im excited.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


today i screamed.
not into my pillow. not at anyone's face (not my style). but in the silent box of the truck cab. by myself - i fucking screamed.
it's not how i imagined it would sound. and it didn't last as long as I thought it would. but it happened.
i wish
it was more satisfying. altho I know the more I scream, it will never likely add up to the satisfactory amount of satisfaction I desire.
what happened today? wasn't I so bubbly bouncing along to my Happy Magical Ska and Reggae hour, not too long before?
not a clue.
now my stomach is left with that feeling... y'know, the one where its empty but its not. where it has a hollow ache from either too many laughs, too many sit ups, or too much sobbing?
its not welcome here.
i am sad this evening.
and more-so very very pissed off.
I keep catching myself clenching my teeth together extremely tight, while busying myself with even the simplest of mundane tasks. unclench, cj. you need those to chew.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

drawing hot water.

drawing hot water.
Originally uploaded by blurred view
making empty conversation to the cold and hot water taps. little to they know, you choose favorites.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

the science of exploding

a late-night last minute RE-realization that we had nothing other than water to drink, last night, turned into a 2am trip to shoppers. water is good, blah blah blah. but it doesnt taste very exciting, and my taste buds were in dire need of some stimulation. seriously, i could shuffle down those aisles forever in shoppers, oooohing and aaaawing at the sale prices and discounts. eventually leading me to make my next cheap flavor discovery. sorry, dont mind me... i am just in awe of the awesomeness of my 69cent 1litre purchase of orange soda.
not to be confused with those kids with cotton candy hands, and orange crush mouths, at carnivals that are last in line and by themselves so get placed in your tilt-a-whirl because maybe you look child-friendly. or like you would swear a lot less during the ride than the other current patrons.
brrrr i woke up today with a chill in my bones that i just cant seem to shake. o and believe me, i have tried.
lauren's brother moved out of the basement here at her place, where i happen to live too, and that leaves an empty bedroom and sort of living area downstairs, just ripe for the pickin. cue cj. i moved a few things into the basement, but now im waiting for her father to insulate the ceiling for the fabulous joys of sound-proofing. and building another wall that holds a door that happens to have a lock so i can sleep in peace. or something.
so more waiting.
thats okay. i think that i have almost perfected it by now. got it down to a science.
science isnt hard, right?..... right????? [panics and then continues to implode]

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

the factory ceej

dont worry dont worry, im here im alive.
im fine and healthy and kicking. i was just (sigh) internetless for about month. got a new sketchbook the other day and im five pages into it, and it looks fan-fucking-tabulous.
good thing I didnt have the internet for the past month, because to be honest all you folks would read is something along the lines of this,
"dear magical internet for the month of february,
bitch bit5ch bitch bitch bitch. woe is me. and you. ...and that guy over there. yup, definitely that fellow. anyways, art art art art. threaten landlord's life... but not actually. hate the system. sleep sleep sleep sleep... depressed to the max= sleeping 20 hours a day for about two weeks straight. lack of sunlight. lack of summer. Lauren = love of my life. keeps me going. keeps my head on. money is lacking. maybe there is hope? nope. money is lacking still. and still more.
bitch bitch bitch bitch BITCH complain complain complain.
ceej a leej"

money issues are looking up. im not so complainy.
also not depressed and full swing in some sort of manic dealio.
no complaints for that. will tell you a lil more later.
ps. madly in lurve with my baby, lauren. mwah!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

jordans first choice

"Tell me how could you compromise
Yourself like this?
Tell me how could you blame anyone else
When you aren't really committed?
Tell me where was your head
When you broke that promise to yourself,
The one where you don't forget
Every life lesson that happend before your eyes
So you don't wake up to regret she's gone years away?
You had hopes and dreams of a day
Where everything, everything, everything would come together,
You wouldn't have to be so scared.

Are we just working till a day we decide we've had enough?
All along
We were strong enough
To be sick of it,
And put them back in their fucking place.
Never asked for this responsibility
We were never in this...

The reality that you know
Is just behind your idea
Of a society, security, and self.
Am I just fucked up?
'Cause I can't remember
The last time any of this made sense,
The last time I
Could stand up to myself.
Street faces all blend into one,
They ask for spare change.
Am I forgetting
What it looks like
From the other side?
Have I forgotten where I've come from?

Are we just working till a day we decide we've had enough?
All along
We were strong enough
To be sick of it,
And put them back in their fucking place.
Never asked for this responsibility
We were never in this...


Monday, January 25, 2010

blasted winter...
so the weather has gotten colder yet again, which has re-kindled my love for warm transportation methods, and not leaving the house.
(ooooo winter jaccccckkkett.... where arrrrre youuuuuu???)
today i am going for hot chocolate with Phil!
phil rocks. I have been friends with that kid since the days of when I was seventeen... and all my friends were 18 and able to purchase beer and etc. and attend the punk shows that I couldn't.
He's the only cat that regularly visited me when I was locked inside the hospital for too long.
And the only one out of that st.b group of friends that still maintains contact for friendship reasons.

I need to dye my hair.
And its getting long and reckless.
Thats about all i have to say.
You're right. It wasnt very dramatic at all!

Friday, January 22, 2010

grind grind grind

okay, so it is 12:48 and I have just recalled that I was supposed to call back Britney (ex-W.) this evening to hang out. I am terrible. My plan making skills are at an ultimate low...
well, actually i am pretty alright at making plans... but the follow-through? ....apparently that is the one that sucks.
lauren napped this evening from a day of drinking with her aunt. i ran my errands and did my thang. but waiting to long for a stomach ache to pass, followed by cleaning the bathroom (like i had promised days ago)... took way longer than it should have to jog my memory that i was supposed to call her.
Now this Britney character is leaving to BC to live with her mom and the dogs that she trains, in the next week. I think its in the next week? Blah, i feel like a bad friend for being so shitty with hanging out with people.
I mean, its true.
Lately (umm... definitely no less than a year) I haven't been wanting to go out. Been to Gio's a few times here and there (once in the past month... and one other time a several months before that)... but I havent found the drive to go and get my ass out.
I guess I am down and out because of the events in the past five months.
I have been in a dead-lock battle with the landlord "Steve".
[apologize to anyone named Steve]... but now the name makes me incredibly pissed off when I hear it.
I am sick of re-telling the story and saying the same words again.
But the key words of the story are Human Rights Commission, Tenancy Board, and don't fuck with CJ.
Enough said.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

who loves jungle??

mmmm sweet delicious old school jungle...

Uk Apachi and Shy Fx - Original Nuttah  by  Begi

Live sa bat' machines 7.10.09 by Sa Bat' Machines

Live sa bat' machines 7.10.09  by  Sa Bat' Machines

I highly recommend listening to this. I can't stop replaying it, personally. A wicked dubby worldly sounding mix by Sa Bat' Machines. ceej is absolutely addicted to it. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


cue Rocky from Rocky and Bullwinkle: "and now here's something you'll REALLY enjoy!"
Here you are, some select pickins of recent(ish...?) stuff I've done.

pa pow

this past week hasbeen ripe full of juicy information.
one) i may more-than-likely be able to go to school for Production art (graphic design) with NO expense to me
two) time to apartment hunt. looks like reality of it is... this landlord sucks
three) preparing to file complaint against landlord. taking it to the Human Rights commission. (dont fuck with me... all this is ammo my mom filled me with)
four) lots of art-goodness filled news with possible studio space, free supplies, and a new project (its large!)

Monday, January 11, 2010

i demand drumrolls!

mmm delicious stupid cigarette... how fabulous and disgusting it is.
i answered the question today "what year did you graduate?"
Maybe its just me, but I just realized I have spent the past two years thinking that I only graduated four years ago..
umm... oops.
what year is it?
If my math serves me correct, that is a total of 6 years. Therefore the past two years I have been living in this crazy delusional world in my head.
Not like it makes any difference to me.
Except the little office in which I answered that question to was attached to a building that I walked out into afterwards. Where I ran into an old classmate from.. (drumroll pleeeease).... ahem, 2004. This old classmate had graduated four years of university and hence forth moved on with her life and got a job (with a SALARY!) in said building, weirdly enough, helping "people like me". ha.
that was strange.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

"Mom!! You got me a man??? You shouldnt have!" are the words that came from my sisters mouth when she started opening her gift.

Nephew. Aka Muffin.

photos fr.xmas

**Notice the white knucles**
Driving out to Vassar was a bit tense. Snow and whatnot... as I seem to recall.

Sister looks scared. Or excited... or something?
Im not too sure. But here she is either way.


I got hair products... sweet sweet hair products.

Nice face, brother.

**notice the very serious eyebrows**
I'm very serious about it being xmas day.

Mom got a new bluetooth headset. So she can call her lovely children and drive hands-free.. all at the same time!

My stomach-is-full Face, after the appetizing supper.

Thats a better face for Brother.... who gets the strangest xmas gifts... this being Pickled Herring.
I am guilty of buying him 5 different varieties of mustard a few years ago.

Playing a board game... I dont know how far that got.
The questions were hard. The no one asked the easy ones because they didn't want the other team to get ahead.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

ugh. woken up at what would be considered an hour that could be worse.. by one, my cat.
who, in lies the exact same traits as me - ask anybody. her bratty qualities will be the death of me, i feel when I wake up to her debauchery.
sigh, i love her regardless. and she has a great way if sucking-up when i have ill thoughts of her.
too smart, that cat. k maybe not all the same qualities.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

today I am sick. hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling better.
because I have just been advised: it is monday.
Everybody else is grumbling about it, but I'm finding that I am little more excited than them.
All day long I had myself CONVINCED that tomorrow was Sunday, and that I had to wait one whole more day until the legendary (well, it is now..) Monday.

c'mon postal service, dont let me down now!

Friday, January 01, 2010

bent to feel

i won't disclose, but it was the most terrifying thing to be informed of.
the most terrifying thing to be involved in.
having to hear the news.
and the re-cap.
and distinguish the discontent.
and attempt to remember the impossible.
maybe even a few moments before that? improbable.
threatening the very existence of anything precious
in the form of my memories.
threatening so much more than that.
pure blackmail.
and i still won't articulate, but I explicitly won't forget..
not withstanding and regardless that I still don't remember...
those ten minutes to me passed in what felt like a fraction of a second.
a blink. the simple involuntary action of a blink.
wish I could say the same for my counter-part,
because that lifetime (formally known
as my ten minutes) was
petrifying in a completely asymmetrical way.
watch for the chest to fall.