Wednesday, September 01, 2010

-censored before 6pm-

sitting quaintly off to the side, at a table for two, the keys of a laptop placed underneath my fingertips. last night the Gods of Dumpstering, reached down from their heavens of hoarding, and a light shone. And lead me through the process of getting my numerous lights (flashlights and YES a headlamp.
three suitcases full of goods - including a computer tower, a ps2, and  a laptop. Also, two winterjackets for yours truly,
my eyes are closing. i am going to start going home.
you will hear from me again. and nxt time - no censoring myself. it goes against what I entirely stand for,

2 comomo's...:

V said...

I was telling Remi about your treasure hunts and how you find some awesome stuff. He's all for it now lol!
I'm jealous! I've been wanting a laptop for a while and thank god Walmart is selling el cheapo's. I have a serious case of recycling guilt with my stockpile of writing books littered all over the house. i can't throw them away, it's my writing! but i then have to keep buying more paper, pens, books...
perhaps if i got them published it would help...
mmmm banana

.ceejtank said...

just trust me when I say this; do NOT hourd banana's. thats a straight up ba-no-no