Wednesday, March 03, 2010

the factory ceej

dont worry dont worry, im here im alive.
im fine and healthy and kicking. i was just (sigh) internetless for about month. got a new sketchbook the other day and im five pages into it, and it looks fan-fucking-tabulous.
good thing I didnt have the internet for the past month, because to be honest all you folks would read is something along the lines of this,
"dear magical internet for the month of february,
bitch bit5ch bitch bitch bitch. woe is me. and you. ...and that guy over there. yup, definitely that fellow. anyways, art art art art. threaten landlord's life... but not actually. hate the system. sleep sleep sleep sleep... depressed to the max= sleeping 20 hours a day for about two weeks straight. lack of sunlight. lack of summer. Lauren = love of my life. keeps me going. keeps my head on. money is lacking. maybe there is hope? nope. money is lacking still. and still more.
bitch bitch bitch bitch BITCH complain complain complain.
ceej a leej"

money issues are looking up. im not so complainy.
also not depressed and full swing in some sort of manic dealio.
no complaints for that. will tell you a lil more later.
ps. madly in lurve with my baby, lauren. mwah!

2 comomo's...:

Anonymous said...

madly in lurve with you too...

V said...

YAY ceejerino is back!
the sun wuz shinin' yesterdays and we're in for a melt in the week to come so happy happy joy joy (to quote the philosophies of Mr. Ren & Mr. Stimpy).
I could break the landlords kneecaps fer ya, i took nursing for a year so i'm nearly full credentials to do something of such an invasive procedure.
I'm also a cheese addict on a diet so i'm aggressive AND twitchy.
Lowfat cheese is keepin me in a limbo sort of state.
umm... i have new hairs? they are now more ashblonde natural instead of blonde bombshell of b4.
i missed u cuz