just got in from running down to kenaston and back.
sitting in the back of a car, with whom I thought to be two strangers. on the rainy ride coming back from our destination, I finally introduced myself. "Hey guys. Dont wanna be rude or nothing, but I'm CJ."
"Ya we know. You've been in our house."
Take a closer look at the small portion of the face that I see in the rearview mirror. Those are the eyes and the bridge of a nose of somebody I recognize. And his girlfriend in the passenger seat. Chris and Chelsea!
I havent seen those two in a very long time. And I only ever knew Chelsea as having very long braids in her hair (like almost down to her ass). The rest of the ride home we had a conversation about her finishing another year in art at the U of M, and almost being done school for good. And her big art installation that she had been starting to work on the last time I had seen her - a year and a half ago.
Just now Lauren showed me this blog She's 17 yrs old. And see's the world through the small square opening on her camara . I look at this and I will be honest - i get a little inspired. To take more pictures. To make more art. To see things all pretty-like, like how she does right away for her blog viewers and fans of her photographs. Awesome.
I went two weeks where I was actually practically distraught because I couldn't create. Nothing.
I couldn't color. I could ink some pencil drawings of mine (sometimes), but that was it. Oh woe is me... (*cries on any shoulder in 5m radius*)
I went to dollarama and stocked up on their awesome yet oh-so-inexpensive paint. Some new paintbrushes of the finer-tipped variety, and (wait for it...)..... chocolate. [surprise!]
Seeing all those nicer blogs has left me a little inspired to fancy up this bad boy.
But how....
I'll figure something out. Google will be my god and lead me down the righteous path of blog templates.
Take that jesus! And that, Moses! *fends off*
and after that workout, I think I need to find myself a new hobby. This fighting off biblical characters isn't the most convenient for me. And its very time consuming. You wouldn't believe how much they like to call a time-out to quote some nonsense. Dont ask.
I have been applying for work the past month. And FINALLY today the clouds broke and the sun shone (and by clouds broke i mean they actually didn't. and by sun shone i mean, i went to dollarama and they're florescent bulbs were too bright) and I received two requests for my work ethic.
Manpower (a placement agency) called this morning. It was a temporary position - about three weeks long. Full time for those three weeks. That wouldn't be bad. Three weeks of straight up making money? Sounded alright. I am borderline desperate at this point. Even attempted to apply at Tim Hortons (yes, mother, I finally settled), but alas, the website wouldnt let me get back step 3 on the online application, and I got sick of re-putting in all my info every time i tried once more.
This Manpower position, however, was in Inkster industrial park. A teeeeeeny bit too far. Hard to get to by bus. Even harder but teleporter. Most standard teleporters only go to the perimeters of industrial parks. It's a mystery why, however. Scientists are working round-the-clock to figure it out.
I turned it down.
I checked my email this evening (forgetting about Manpower ever even calling me about work..) and BAM! (ah!) an email! From fabutan of all places!
The owner of the pembina and grant location wants me to go in for an interview on thursday. I am super super super excited. That job WILL be mine.
Wish me luck.
Or superpowers.
I'll take either or.
2 comomo's...:
I wish for you both luck AND superpowers!
I worked with Manpower thats how I got the temp position here, and then when my term was over 2 mths later here called me with a job offer. However Manpower is sort of a bitch when it comes to explaining job contracts and what not. they dont particularly leave you in the loop. Nearly lost this job because they wanted here to payout the "contract" of my temp job, of which i didnt know existed because each week i was being told was my last term week.
I myself heart dollarama like whoa even more so then tigre giante (aside from clothage... srsly... love GT clothes!). I love arting... however my true calling the obsession i give into constantly would be my writing.
I have too fucked up a brain with the imagination of a 5yrold dying to get out all the time - but i too have moments of creative "breaks" if you will. It worries me the same - did i lose it? what will i do now? i need an out!
but then it always comes back like a slap in the face "i gotta write" which is why i ALWAYS keep my lil "aha!" writing pad in my purse.
Inspiration strikes everywhere, and my imagination wont be ignored.
srsly... its annoying like that...
hey i like that chelsea girl, i got whipped in the face by her hair once. she does the art school thing with my (ex)gf(?).
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