Tuesday, November 23, 2010

rainbow suspendorisis

as per always, I decide the best time to rant to an internet-united peoples, is when they are fast asleep. Or pretending to be fast asleep, and rolling by a different name altogether, just to stay up until the wee hours playing Bejeweled. While all your snoozers, and boozers, and bejewelerz... are pre-occupied in yourselves, I -wont break the trend- am also consumed by my own activities. And it isn't boredom that causes me to rip out the skin on the inside of my ears (I'll admit; I did wince. Twice. And swore four times).
The headphones are on. The volume has been on mute the moment I plugged these puppies in. I dont even have a song playing, not even Cher. Especially not Cher.
I'd like to take this moment to apologize immensely to the larger percentage of the gay boy population that I know.. for taking what would surely seem like a swing (and a miss..) at their self-proposed birth mother. No offense boys, cuz I know you definitely wouldnt be reading this anyways.
Tomorrow I am going to work up the courage to go and wait beside that guy who is wondering what I have, or what I'd do to get ahead of him in line to see the doctor.. and get first dibs on sanitary pads, saline solution, tongue depressors, and latex-free rubber gloves.
Finders keepers, motherfucker.
Back off - get your own sandwich.

My kitten and furriest love of my life has been slowly coping with the fact that now included in her kitten-tree meals, is the smelly devil known as Apple Cider Vinegar. A few drops every meal to every second meal, pissed her off/ depressed her for a few days... but now her taste has become acquired and she hardly notices. I am doing her a favour. Instead of spraying her with toxins for her fur, or giving her store-grade poisons to keep away any parasites, good ol ACV does it all, and its natural, and it detoxes her system of any bullshit. After doing decades of research, its by-far the best option for her, and cheapest. I'd recommend it to any cat-owner that'd listen.... but I have minimal faith in mankind this week (reason: unknown ), therefore feel as tho you, out there in blog-land, already know my concerns. And as no surprise, yet again, I play the "nobody-actually-cares-to-listen-and-give-two-big-fat-flying-fucks CARD". Full house. I win.
And I walk away from the table, two dollars and fifty cents richer.
HEY, biiiiiig spender. Dig my blender.

4 comomo's...:

V said...

wow, does it work? keep in mind just in case anything like that happens to my minous.
lol dig my blender...
Hope you're doing okay, 4 Rivers i find is the quickest waiting room (and they have tv's OMGGGBBBQQQQQ)

.ceejtank said...

hmm i'll search my endless goldmine of bookmarks and find those info sites for you. something that you'd be interested at looking into, i am thinking.

oh! and I dont do television! havent you heard? going on three years without that tube of death.

V said...

hatez the tube o' death... i went a year without it then Rem moved in... if i divorce him no joke it's because of the TV

V said...

guess what? I'm divorcing him... not even a joke, been living as roomates since October, thought it counted towards seperation, finally left him end of March... staying @ moms for now