Monday, January 25, 2010

blasted winter...
so the weather has gotten colder yet again, which has re-kindled my love for warm transportation methods, and not leaving the house.
(ooooo winter jaccccckkkett.... where arrrrre youuuuuu???)
today i am going for hot chocolate with Phil!
phil rocks. I have been friends with that kid since the days of when I was seventeen... and all my friends were 18 and able to purchase beer and etc. and attend the punk shows that I couldn't.
He's the only cat that regularly visited me when I was locked inside the hospital for too long.
And the only one out of that st.b group of friends that still maintains contact for friendship reasons.

I need to dye my hair.
And its getting long and reckless.
Thats about all i have to say.
You're right. It wasnt very dramatic at all!

3 comomo's...:

V said...

hey d00d
what color u dyin' ur hair? i have a box o' dye bought on impulse. it's bleach blondie and all urs if u want it. if u have a bingo dabber u know ur set lol

V said...

good luck in ur winter plight.
been missin ur posts of wittiness and satire.
oh.. the satire...

.ceejtank said...

oooooh still giving up that bleachy goodness?