Monday, January 11, 2010

i demand drumrolls!

mmm delicious stupid cigarette... how fabulous and disgusting it is.
i answered the question today "what year did you graduate?"
Maybe its just me, but I just realized I have spent the past two years thinking that I only graduated four years ago..
umm... oops.
what year is it?
If my math serves me correct, that is a total of 6 years. Therefore the past two years I have been living in this crazy delusional world in my head.
Not like it makes any difference to me.
Except the little office in which I answered that question to was attached to a building that I walked out into afterwards. Where I ran into an old classmate from.. (drumroll pleeeease).... ahem, 2004. This old classmate had graduated four years of university and hence forth moved on with her life and got a job (with a SALARY!) in said building, weirdly enough, helping "people like me". ha.
that was strange.

4 comomo's...:

Anonymous said...

i hate running into people i knew in high school. mostly because i havent done a single thing since then either heh. and yeah, six years?! where the fuck have our brains been

V said...

i hate running into ppl from highschool because i always know who they are, but they have no idea who i am... that and there are alot of ppl i curse to contract syphillis in their party whoring ways (Canad Inn bar anyone? why yes on a Tuesday night!).
I was actually surprised by one i DID run into, i was all shy and stuff, figuring he knew nothing of me, turned out to be a pretty decent, stand up guy. i withdrew his curse :)

V said...

whoops almost forgot!

*insert disney-esque crescendo style drumroll of fabulous-ness*

.ceejtank said...

and now we know the leading cause of syphillis...!
mystery solved!