Thursday, April 15, 2010

hot damn.. editing the colors on my blog got rid of so many rad comments (mostly on nessa's part.. as she DID attack yesterday). a tad disappointed.
on the plus side, my brother got accepted into this coast guard program where he gets schooling paid for, training paid for, and then will be off to make tons of money being a lovely coast guard. he passed a test that he wrote a few months ago and I just received the news today. effin happy for him. now my sister will be needing a new roommate. (*thinks about it*)
applying like a madman on the world of the internet.
i figure... hey, SOMEBODY'S got to like my spunk! and leave it at that.

(if you know any people in dire need of spunkey employees, send them my way

1 comomo's...:

V said...

ya i was all heartbroken and hungry when i saw that! (hungry cuz i hadnt eatn my lunch yet may have contributed)