Monday, October 25, 2010

This weekend was one of different variety. I use that word in particular, because it was indeed, in fact, different. Well I suppose that I didn't do so much on thursday or friday, being as thursday night and friday morning, i was a tad under the weather. Saturday morning started with a fucking explosion.
I woke up to Larry yelling "CJ, get up! Steve [douchebag landlord] is here and he found your stuff!" I hadnt been sleeping for enough hours, in my opinion so i yelled back, "Serious??? But I am moving out in like a few days..."  But apparently Steve had opened my drawers and went through a bunch of my stuff and claimed my guitar to be his now, and that everything else could go to the fucking dump.
I got out of bed so fast.
Once again, very sudden moving. I hate when that happens. My mom and Robert were able to come lend their truck. And Phil came down and aided in any lifting; heavy or small. It was hectic for a few hours, and I was very very tired by the end of it. My mom brought me and Phil out for like fries and burgers/chicken thangs. That was appreciated.
I went home and was so raring to go, from the adreneline from the move (atop one energy drink and one beer. two things I never drink anymore), that I couldnt sleep. My body was drained, but my mind wasn't going to let itself go to waste.
The evening came around. Lauren wanted to do something, because she started work Monday (being today), and she didn't know her schedule at all or when her days off would be. I got my heart set on going to this party at the Rocker.
I attempted to bleach my hair. Alas, two bleachings only resulted in orange hair. SO its now pink. :)
We only got to the Rocker at like one am. I wanted to be there around 11:30, but got held up in discussion with Lauren. While at the Rocker, right away I hear fantastic dubstep and I wanna dance. But shit hit the fan after maybe two tracks. I got injured in the ruckus... a few times. And I still managed to hold myself back from being the injurer.
Sigh. The night went sour, and I made a big scene in front of all my friends, which I am a tad embarrassed about. I managed to flag down a cab and go and spend the night somewhere, gathering my thoughts and being comfy.
I didnt sleep as much as I would have liked, but I appreciated having somewhere to go and cool down and whatnot. I cabbed home at 8 in the morning.

Today I will be packing more of my things. The entirety of the boiler room with all my stuff is at Tania's. When we were moving it on saturday we couldnt find 50% of the bed frame so we said fuck it and tossed what we had, out. Upon further inspection, the rest of the frame has magically re-appeared.... somehow. So I'll go climb in the dumpster and see if I can find those pieces. Pretty sure they trucks havent come by yet (o how the sound of them makes me sad), so hopefully I can fish it out.

Been eating super well tho, lately. And also exercising/working out like a mo-fo. (aka motherfucker)
Got some stamina building up so I can do way more, so much longer. And like a hundred pushups, in a row, is now do-able! yippee! Thats a big thing, by the way, if anyone wants to try and find our for themselves, having not done pushups in years.
P.Dot was in a triathlon a month or two ago. That sounds neat. I looked at a magazine to do with that, the other day. I think that is my next big goal - enter in a triathlon.
Sounds crazy but that'd be so fun.

3 comomo's...:

V said...

Dude you BETTER be eating more if your workin out! I will start leaving buckets of peanut butter by your bedside if you do not! (awesome source of fat and protein! score!)
That landlord sounds like a total assmcgee. I hope he trips and falls into oncoming traffic... or somethin'
Sorry to hear about the drama but that's how it goes sometimes eh? getting swept up in emotion and what not. totally understand.
Triathalons are killer and dang it i would LOVE to have the stamina to pull off something like even 2nd last place! i would totally be ur triathalong buddy if u need. i got the swimming and the biking down... now i juuuust need the runnin'

.ceejtank said...

what we may lack in athleticism by comparison, we make up for in charisma!
go teammmm!

V said...