Friday, September 10, 2010

b to thee itches

eleven alarms.
i just counted.
thats the amount it took us to finally roll our butts out of bed this morning. it is not like this day was incredibly important in comparison to any other weekday. its just an attempt to start doing a backflip in terms of changing the way things are running in my life.
*note to self: find sketchbook, which has prescription in it, which needs to be filled*

this girl needs a haircut - really bad.
although hast recently been saveth'd by a really sweet dumpstered hat that I've always wanted. hurraaah!

wish I had more to ramble about. altho that will come soon enough.
until then, happy thursday, bitches.

1 comomo's...:

V said...

i set my alarm for 6/6:30 every weekday in an attempt to one day ONE DAY get up EARLY and do yoga or drink coffee or some shizzz...
i sleep in until last possible minute... race for the bus sans makeup and breakfast in hand...
at least i'm getting an early morning cardio ;)