Friday, May 07, 2010

chug chug chug chug

no, I am ashamed to admit it. but I will.
i don't even gain the slightly more superior status of some sort of Blog Whore.
nothing but a Blog Slut.
eagerly attach myself to the newest and best looking blog. easy, too. and cheap. Free works the best.
Nobody pays me, cuz whores are the ones who make money. They have a career. A "job". And with that, perhaps a shred of self-respect. Where-as, the "slut" mercilessly throws herself at the hottest things. At least groupies have preferences.
So this blog slut has just added one more notch to her keyboard.
And perhaps my personality will stumble on over to that little white box, with the potential of words like these.
but better!
And with more pizzazz! and Uoooommph! And hooplah. Always with the hooplah.

errr... uhh.... featuring CJ (redefined. free of any caffeine-free)

2 comomo's...:

V said...

aside from mentioned reasons is tumblr better?

.ceejtank said...

so far, it has more templates that are muchos enjoyable. less childish looking, i find. definitely recommended by a few to myself.