Saturday, August 08, 2009

wheres my monayyy

a collectively random collage of thoughts and opinins, organized for your viewing pleasure...
(the following may contain harsh language, violence, and brief moments of nudity. viewer discretion advised.)
+sleeping pills are funny. i used to take them and they made my memory act all weird. and i literally wouldnt remember a thing the moment after taking them. it gets so intense, I practically need someone with me all the time so that they can remind me of what I was just about to do... about 718 times a day.
+i think the number 5 is lame. and an arrogant jerk. 9 is super chill. 2 is a somewhat highstrung. 1 is pompus, but then again, it would be.
+ow my lungs.
+lauren's zong was never named. but we did give it one. by that time, it already had a broken stem. And to make an airtight seal, there was a lot of packing and electrical tape, as well as contact cement, strategically placed to make it work again. it was dubbed, "Frankenzong" but eventually the stem decided to kick the bucket, and with us stoners all stranded without an inhalation device, we needed to work fast. we replaced the broken piece, and upon smoking it we came to the realization that it could no longer be frankenzong. what happens when the undead become living again? or something along those lines... and as much as Lauren thinks im not serious, i have secretly been calling it Father Zongwater (alias The Ghost of St Frankenzong).
+i wish i could control the weather. lightning preferrably.
+drum&bass rock all my socks off from now until the end of time. over and over and over. its that good.
+i miss what i always miss.
+wow its cloudy in here...
+lately i cannot put down my sketchbook. its like when i have the option of doing anything at all vs. drawing, i more than not- choose to draw. i bet its lame for anyone who has to witness it. watch a movie? (no thanks ill draw it seems) go out and take over the world? (in a minute. im on a roll here with these paint markers). not very motivated, this means (these days), but I am getting lots of neat looking shit out of it. and i always have something to do. its way less in-your-fac
+i now miss contact juggling. i have replaced it (temporarily) with hacky sack.
+where in the world is chris loney?
+hi my name is CJ, (cue crowd of middle aged people forced into reciting: "hi cj") and I am not wearing pants. I have been not wearing pants on-and off for some time now. I'd say definitely the past couple of years, for sure. More and more lately, tho, is when I realized that I have been taking way too many opportunities to not wear pants. Lying about wearing them, when I actually wasnt. Pretending to have to go out and do more laudnry; an extra load of pants. I usually keep them on when people are around. There is one person I will be totally open about all this tho. The only person who can tell if I've beenwearing pants or not. Lauren. Altho, she does enable me a lot of the time....

1 comomo's...:

V said...

hehe ... pantz