disgusting, right?
well then, my friends, i was introduced to it. i, one time not long ago, decided to not pick off the pineapple that lie atop my pizza. within seconds, i was practically questioning my entire existance.
i had always believed one thing, yet it was actually another!
it just so happened that I found pineapple to be quite delicious on pizza. and it rose in the ranks above the other fruits, and soon found itself to be among the top three most chosen by me.
wont everybody join me, and raise your glasses.
so a toast
to pineapple on my pizza.
cheers, yo.
the end.
[wait for applause and clinking of glasses)
1 comomo's...:
*standing ovation*
You should try the vegetarian delite = pineapple & feta together... oh know she didnt! oh ... yes... she... did!!!!
It is amazeballs... truely... balls - but not balls pineapple
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