and I didnt even want a "thank you".
just, for two moments in time, to be treated like a normal human. I have been the nicest and most considerate person in the world to him, even tho I really would like to not be a lot of the time.
like, what the fuck did I do?
other than not let him touch my boobs like jynx does. fuck.
my brother thnks he has problems.
its probablly a rare disease. symptoms include: being an asshole, having terrible karma, and walking into traffic.
i dont like not-liking someone so much. but he's burnt his bridges with me. over and over and over. i'm not even going to fake liking him now, cuz he's leaving. he should have left yesterday.. according to my calender and every other one right now, its the 2nd already.
get the fuck outta my home, douchebag. you're tresspassing.
1 comomo's...:
i believe those are symptoms of scurvy... yes, and chronic douche-baggery.
the cure you ask?
blow torch... rinse and repeat ;)
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