blah. grey grey grey grey....
its been raining for the majority of today. a cold rain with a cold wind. something you'd expect in november, a week before a snowfall, rather than in june (the month that "should" be preparing us for the intense heat of the summer).
grey atmosphere. grey mind-set.
for the first in a really long time, i am now feeling the repercussions of my actions long ago. Financial burden is all too familiar to everyone, and usually i dont let it get to me. Let me tell you, its fucking heavy and my shoulders are achy and now in need of some chiropractic work. Metaphorically speaking.
My day would seem to go by much fucking slower if I didn't have the company of the beautifuyl Lauren, to cheer me up and keep me warm, on days like this. I might go insane and on some sort of murderous rampage of the village.
But I dont.
And I guess maybe I shall never know? (damn eh... )
(swoon... @ L.slice)
1 comomo's...:
I'm sicka rain too... cute "L.Slice"
I think I speak for a mass of fellow cheese afficianados when i say... enuf awreddy wit da rain n the sky and the darn i hava booty! *soggy socks*
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