Tuesday, June 16, 2009

and now, here's something you'll really enjoy!

this was a comment I made, regarding a post my cousin had on her blog. I thought I needed to share this with a few individuals in the world that have dedicated their life to this blog.
And to them, I say, get some sleep guys. Quit obsessing over this jerktank online journal shit. Go eat some food and call you're family back. They are getting worried about you.

"in my opinion children should be raised to embrace their traits and talents. to be taught how to have a mind of their own. "cool kid status" is informally decided by the surrounding peers.
i gotta say, i am fucking super happy today that i wasnt one of those popular ones. ya i got picked on. and ya, it hurt. but i have a buttload of empathy oozing out of every oriface of my body. and I honestly believe that I live and think freeer(and clearer) than a majority of those out there.

What are the cool kids doing right now? Getting tested for STI's cuz they been out drinking and woke up in st.james with nothing but a pair of pants."

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