Tuesday, June 23, 2009


G'afternoon fellow literary-inclined blog followers,
Today I am exhausted. Last night, after a butt load of hassle and obstacles, was Lauren's grad dinner and safegrad. It was a drunk-fest, and a helluva sight to see. We were super late to dinner (we procrastinate when it comes to getting ready, plus one [+1] car accident) so we showed up about two hours into it. Thats fine by us, cuz the speeches would have been deadly boring, we figured. Guess we'll never know. But I am quite alright assuming that.
Safegrad was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. The ticket is costing me 55 bones, but I have no issue with that. The two of us looked killer, wearing almost matching plaid. I got to wear a leather skinny tie (slick!) and neither of us worried about the shoes we'd be forced to stand in. ERverbody else looked damn uncomfortable, attempting to maneuver in their heels and poofy grad dresses through the sticky dance floor to the booth that sold drink tickets.
we danced like a lesbian couple that didn't realize that lesbian couples on the dance floor are not a common thing. it was fucking great.

i had a great time with Lauren. i hope that we arent hurting too much from the accident yesterday, in a few days time. cuz that was a pretty good thud made, when the cars collided.

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