Friday, July 31, 2009

it is 3:42 am, according to the bottom right of my screen.
they are on their way, and i chose to stay behind.

ever get those feelings inside your emotion box that scream out "bad vibes", even though from a quick glace it would appear friendly and non-threatening. And everybody else see's them as friendly and non-threatening, so you (in turn) are persuaded into believing it as well.
well all seems good and dandy.
there are still those bad vibes. you can pretend everything rocks, but you can still feel whats going on. with every minute closer to the minute of departure, there are more and more physical signs and series of events that attempt to catch your eye and make notice of said vibes of a badder nature.

well i got THOSE bad vibes.
that feeling in the pit of my gut, with an asshole attitude to match, screaming up at me, "take any excuse you can. but you know you wont enjoy yourself like you would if circumstances were different. but thats your fault."

asdfkjalkgjaflkgj so other than ditching on connect, now I have a weekend to work hard and make back my life. I would have went to the festival in a heartbeat... had it been any other time this summer.

enough with the dwelling! a good session of being comfortable 'aught to do it.

1 comomo's...:

V said...

hey cuz, it's called intuition.
You 6th sense was kicking in the self preservation mode.
I've had some pretty weird ones...
ex. i freaked out on Remi when we were backroading at this really steep road turn. No reason but the whole deep in your gut, scream inducing "stop the fucking car!"
Good thing too, as rain had iced the road, and we would have flown off a cliff (this was northern ontario btw lol). As it was we had a hard time getting the car to the main road.
The universe has other plans and you were lucky enough to get the memo :)