Sunday, October 25, 2015

Me vs. They

This is just a rant... I have no plan here...
I do, however, have a topic at hand.

The topic of somebody that I know and the totally emotional take-over and upheaval they caused in my life. It is not like there ever is a convenient time to do such a thing, but there are definitely better times. For I was just getting out of the hospital in which I had stayed an extended visit. I knew not everything would be the same, but the world kept turning while I lie stuck in an over-sanitized limbo watching the clock, completely disconnected with the outside world. Upon my exit, I was hoping that this person in my life continued to play the role that they were playing leading up to the time I went in to the hospital. One would think that would be the case, right?

I did trust them, And I continued to, due to the chosen ignorance I cast over myself. I put all my faith in them and let myself be led astray.
When we had always talked about everything and discussed things openly. Because we are awesome like that. Oh wait.... Or was it just something that we always said. I chose to believe it. I am pretty sure they did too.
When my brain thinks about this particular topic, you will notice that my eyes will glaze over in a distant stare. I am scanning my memory, trying to search for a time when I was able to openly bring up some serious and/or urgent matter with them. One which was ideally met with an equally open and willingness to listen sort of ear.
Instead? Moments like that were often met head-on, as though this small matter at hand was actually imperative to sustaining their ego. Or just flat-out denials, each word dripping with disdain and disgust with me as a human being for even bringing it up to begin with. It was almost as though they thought that by standing their ground and denying something to its death was their way of going back in time. To change the situation so it did not happen, or to hide it better so they wouldn't be found out and not be in this predicament to begin with.

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