Let's catch up on a couple of dreams here...
This first dream took place in a school gymnasium, altho in the centre of it was a large circular pit. My friend Emma either lived or worked out of the small office attached to the gym. I was on one side, and on the other, a few friends of mine that were constantly trying to hit me with dodgeballs, even tho I couldn't seem to pick any of them up for myself. So needless to say, I wasn't able to defend myself against their barrage of dodgeballs. My girlfriend seemed to be leading the ruthless retaliation against me. There was also an incident that happened in the smaller equipment room that housed all the gym stuff, but that seems to be escaping me.
When everyone had left the gym, leaving only my girlfriend, Emma, and myself... both my girlfriend and I had left these separate 5'x5' works of art, comprising mostly of duct tape on the walls. Emma, who was in charge of the gym, was trying to make us move them or take them down. My girlfriend then blew it off when it had to be taken down, and just said it was mine. Then left. And since this art was comprised of pretty much tape, its safe to say that they were quite securely stuck to the wall. I tried dearly to take this off, without ruining the art. A few people that were there for the entirely unfair game of dodgeball, came back to give me a hard time about why it was not welcome. In dreamworld, tho, I could not get at any of the edges. And the art did not move.
I do know that I woke up quite pissed off.
The second dream was much more of a lucid one. I was controlling a vast majority of it. I seem to have quite the number of exploration dreams in a wide array of buildings. This dream starred my old friend Talin and myself. We were attempting to get into this large, fancy hotel but the front doors were locked to us because it was late. We ended up climbing up some trees in the back of the place and sneaking through a window.
The whole point of this adventure was to see how many places we could get to without hotel security or staff noticing us prowling around. We would try hotel room doors and sneak into rooms where people were sleeping, without disturbing them. There is nothing like waking a sleeping patron to get us kicked out. We adventured down into the boiler room, which was very extensive and even had its own underground waterway.
This hotel also had an impressive sized pool in the front desk area where someone would check in. It was quite fancy. We never got caught, and it was an overall fun, however short, dream.
Maybe the water is symbolic of something. This isn't the first time I've dreamt of underground waterways beneath buildings. There have been dreams in the past that I have just jumped right in and it would bring me into the darkness, and then back out to another place with large basements and underground rivers. And I had complete control to where this would take me. I am pretty sure that I had thought this was a real thing for a while, until I realized it was just another dream... and that I probably shouldn't consider this sewer-method possibility for real world travel.
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