Sunday, December 19, 2010

the countdown. and thats all there seems to be lingering in the air. that, and the impending doom of that unforgiving sickness that's piggy-backing on any suitor in sight. fingers crossed, knock on wood, et cetera.

the keyboard on this laptop is acting unruly and making it so I don't feel like actually explaining things, especially in full detail.

in other news: my mom is engaged, as of her birthday on friday. to her boyfriend. i kinda like the guy. he's alright in my books. more than just alright, actually. he's good to her and he fits right in with the ol fam'. Jayse comes back into Winnipeg on wednesday. I am super excited.

i suppose thats all i will type for now. i'm already sick of it. haha i think

1 comomo's...:

V said...

Lookin' forward to seein u cuzzzzin! and other cuzzzins! AND CONGRATS TO UR MOMMABEAR!!!!
that's awesome to read, that dude is a good guy and MAAAN can he cook :)
I'm still awaiting that cook off btwn him and chef cousin (Ashley).
MMmmm to be a judge of that iron chef Winnipeg competition