It's been a few days that I, your local neighborhood ceej, have been under the weather.
I have been trying to stay on top of it, by contributing to my well-being with food and non-drugs and spending every minute of my day either exercising, drawing, or smoking weed.
All fabulous choices, if you ask this doctor.
My recent bout of exercising makes me feel on top of the world.
Its Lauren's birthday tomorrow. I hope it's fucking awesome for her because she's fucking awesome. This thing I have with her the best thing I have had in a long time. And I totally consider myself the luckiest chickee ever, cuz of it.
I've had my share of really fucked up relationships with ladies and jerk-faces of all kinds. Some good, some emotionally scarring..
And it totally tainted my view in which I see people, when it comes to that. I considered myself asexual... i mean, other then I cant breed with myself... But I still believe there is no hope for a majority of the population and their love life, unless they smarten the fuck up.
[A kick to the head should do it just fine.]
But then Lauren comes along- this stunning lady who is the little sister of a boy who tried to hook up with me around graduation time. That was a no-go. But this summer I met her, and somehow I was this charming super slick person, even though I felt like I was tripping over my words constantly. There was never any pressure in what-ever this was that we had.
And there were no expectations. And no stupid rules.
This relationship just came to be, and to be honest, I am completely head-over-heels in love wit the silly girl. I have never been treated so amazing, NOR have I ever treated anyone as amazing as I treat her.
Her take on the world is her own and it is fucking beautiful.
And she is worldy, without having gone anywhere. She is absolutely gorgeous, and I am constantly reminded by my friends (to which I have no problem agreeing with.)
Lauren has balls enough to tell people how it is, but still super considerate as to not get in people's faces.
Plus she's an artist
*melts just a little*
(sounds to me like ceeeeej is in looooooooveeeee)
I think it is about time to stop ranting to the world of the interweb, and give you a chance to wipe the vomit off or your keyboard from having to read this. You might as well get used to it.
1 comomo's...:
aww u sound in lurv ceejeroo, i'm happy for ya :)
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