Monday, January 19, 2015


In this dark underground bunker, there was this very small window-less corridor that came out from one door - the entrance, and then it would wind around turning left, and then turning right, and then led to the exit. Both the entrance and exit doors were very thick, solid doors with windows to watch into the corridor.

Watching the corridor through those doors were prison guards and a warden. They were watching that corridor because, inside of it, was squished approximately forty inmates. The halls were thin, with a low ceiling, and along the walls on both sides of the inmates, were these very large heavy metal barrels. Nearly unmoveable by oneself.

Personally, myself, I was not partaking in the dream; I was moreso a spectator, watching the events take place before my eyes. Although at times, I could float above them all and watch everything unravel before my eyes... I could also choose to take up the view point of any of these inmates, the prison guards and even the warden.

All the inmates were hardcore criminals, and would be getting a sentence of life had they been in a regular prison (as opposed to a corridor...). My impression was that the prison guards, under direct order of the warder, had trapped all the inmates in this corridor. The only way in or out was through the two doors, which were thick, solid and also heavily protected.

There was this mysterious over-hanging impending doom the entire dream, like a countdown until some tragedy of sorts. Until something would happen in this corridor and affect all of these inmates, to the joy of the prison guards and warden watching safely behind the doors, snickering and gossiping. There was a lot of profanity. There was no lack of threats. And I really got a glimpse of the private life of both the individuals from the prison, and the cliques involved. The inmates needed to get past any problems of beefs they had with each other in the past, and work together, if they wanted even the smallest chance of escaping this terrible situation.

The countdown was soon among them. And the inmates figured out that impending threat was to come from the heavy duty barrels lined up beside each and every one of them. I am not sure how, but one of the main guys (prison tattoos, bald head, scars a-plenty, and a natural leader among them) made a deal with the warden to let him have the satisfaction of killing him one-on-one, face-to-face. He somehow managed to use this haggling conversation with the him to get the information about what exactly was inside of those barrels. The inmates then used the contents, as well as the timer with the countdown, to their advantage, blasting a whole in the wall. About half of them escaped with their lives, while the rest was killed in the blast, and by other random half-assed traps set up. It was incredibly dramatic.


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