Monday, June 27, 2011

fall into place, my precious little pieces, bwahahaha

Well it just so happens to look as though I will be starting to pick up two shifts a week, volunteering down in the exchange at a li'l something called ArtsJunktion!
I am pretty stoked.
Mostly working with crafts and re-distributing materials to artists and art projects at no cost.  I like what this place is all about. Seems to me like they have the right idea- yessiree.

This weekend was fun. It was the Manitoba Electronic Music Exhibition (or "MEME") down at Old Market square... or "The Cube" as it is called now. They built this trippy giant metallic cube with the bottom corner pushed-in-sorta, and thats where the dj's set up. We went Saturday and Sunday. I ran into tons of people that I know, as per usual. And its nice to finally go out and not have people say, "CJ! Where have you been?? I havent seen you in like 6 years!" Its good to get back out again.

Also!! In the next few days, I'll be buying myself a new phone. To replace my junky Samsung Flight that (o, the luck) stopped charging - due to being directly in the path of a glass of water I spilled. Yayyy..!
Soooo what, its going to be lavender. Thats okay... it shall be a blackberry. Yippee! So finally I'll have a working phone again. Same bat phone number, same bat channel.

Huzzzzah for things finally falling into place. Go me.
(Haha, if I keep talking like that, my head is going to be huge by the end of the week)

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