Wednesday, December 16, 2009

o christmas tree, o christmas tree

O terrible boredom.
This house in which I am currently staying, is COLD. Before the family moved in here, either previous tenants, or half-assed contractors hired by the scumbag landlord, built an addition to the house, in which there is no insulation..
Did they forget that this is Winnipeg??
Anyways, I hardly stray more than ten feet away from my personal little heater, which keeps the bedroom at almost a decent temperature for a few minutes after the heater turns itself off. Making food, means putting on another sweater or two, and a couple extra pairs of socks, to bear the coldness of the kitchen area.
I don't have a winter jacket.
It's somewhere at my sister/brother's house. Packed away in a box. I figured, when that box was packed, that I would already have another place of residence by the time it got this cold, and that said box would already be unpacked in my new abode.
Lauren has been gone for the evening- working, and helping the family act civil towards each other while putting up the christmas tree.
christmas tree.... christmas tree...
o right! its that so-called Christmas coming up. O lordy. The holiday in which I have a love/hate relationship with. It doesn't agree with any of my morals. And neither does the holiday music- I've come to discover. (That one struck me one xmas season, years ago, working in a mall.)

So I am here waiting for Lauren to finish her duties, while i quietly bide my time... doing god-knows-what, making art, and napping (lots of napping). In fact, i haven't been able to stop napping the past week or so. It's been really hard to actually get up out of bed, at all. I could really just sleep the days away. Something tells me I have become slightly depressed. Working past it, seems hard and full of effort... but worth the attempts.
Perhaps a hunt for chocolate will lift my spirits! I have a hella sweet tooth that needs its cravings a-fixxxxxxxed.

update: still no word from fucking-jerk-face disability, who owes me money from a few months back now. my patience is wearing thin. but not like that makes any difference at all..

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